At Genuit Group, we have a clear purpose:

Together, we create sustainable living.

We enact this purpose through our Sustainable Solutions for Growth strategy, which is based upon four interconnected and complementary themes.


Focus on higher-growth, sustainably driven markets, via organic growth and disciplined M&A opportunities.



Continually improve the sustainability of our operations to be the lowest-carbon choice for our customers.


Genuit Business System

Create value through lean transformation and operational excellence.


People and Culture

Create value and enable growth through the capability, expertise and development of our employees.

Our strategy is influenced by multiple growth drivers, many of which are climate-related. With solid growth ahead, the opportunity to unlock the potential of the Group and its people will drive our success over the coming years.


We aim to outperform the wider construction market by 2–4% through the cycle.Our served UK market is valued at
c.£3bn, and within that we are focused upon segments which offer greater than average growth rates.
Our growth drivers


Our growth strategy is firmly based upon improving the sustainability of the built environment. In doing so, we benefit from tailwinds supporting above-market growth.
Our growth drivers


This involves focusing on application areas such as flood resilience, low carbon heating, and sustainably cooling our homes, as well as more broadly ensuring we are the lowest carbon supplier of choice for our customers.
Our growth drivers


Sustainability within Genuit means more than simply being a responsible business. Because we are focused upon being the lowest carbon supplier of choice for our customers, it is a key element of our growth strategy. Our use of clean energy, our leadership in using recycled materials and our engagement in decarbonising our own supply chain all contribute to a sustainable value proposition for our customers, employees and other stakeholders.

Genuit Business System

Built upon the principles of lean thinking, the Genuit Business System is our way of extracting value from being part of a group. Sharing best practice, and deploying standard processes and tools, are ways to ensure we benefit from our scale and drive efficiencies which mean we can unlock synergies from our existing portfolio as well as future acquisitions in a timely manner.

People and Culture

Attracting and retaining the best talent, and unlocking the capability of our people, is key to delivering upon our strategic aims.

People and Culture

Whilst we recognise the different identities that exist within our businesses, we believe that our purpose and strategy are best achieved through an engaged workforce sharing a common culture, committed to collaboration.

People and Culture

Working together across businesses is a key enabler of our strategy, whether that means bringing solutions together for customers, or the sharing of process improvements as part of the Genuit Business System.


Sustainable innovation is a key core value driver for Genuit

Worker with pipes
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Genuit Business System

The Genuit Business System is how we operate

Genuit Business System
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About us

At Genuit Group, we help create a better, more sustainable built environment. Together, we create sustainable living

Adapting to change
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